The Journey Begins

on Saturday, February 12, 2011
This blog is a project I have been dreaming up for quite sometime now. I want to start by telling a little about myself. This a blog that centers on me, my life, my views, my beliefs. This blog is not meant to pass judgment on anyone, nor invite judgement into my life.

I consider myself a Humanist. I live in TN and was raised Christian. The majority of people around me are Christian, often making it difficult to express myself. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state.

In June 2009, I gave birth to the most perfect baby boy that has ever existed. I had no clue what I was doing. Twenty months later (to the day!), I still do not profess to know everything. However, I do know more than than I did then. I strive to learn something new everyday, whether it be on a global or personal level.

I still breastfeed my son. I do not know when we will stop. I am a firm believer in child led weaning, as long as the Mommy and baby are both happy. I understand that many people do not share this view. I also know that I am Ro's only Mommy, so it does not really matter to me that many others have opposing views.

I am a lover of the Earth and natural things. I try to do my part, but I am by no means perfect. I am not 100% green. I do: recycle, cloth diaper, use CFLs, use cloth napkins, and make my own soap. I rather enjoy my newfound freedom from chemicals in soaps/shampoos/cosmetics.

I find much of my inspiration in Kurt Vonnegut. I find humor in hipsters. I like to watch way too many silly television shows. I am a random assortment of silly and serious.

I hope each of you will find something you enjoy here. I'll be in touch.

"New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become."
Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions


murmurkibbies said...

I'm so excited the blog is finally here! I can't wait to see how it develops.

You know I plan to cloth diaper & BF. But I do also intend to BF with no set stopping point in mind. Just as long as it works for us & she is benefiting from it. I was actually just reading about "extended" BFing earlier tonight.

Beth said...

This is a great post on extended BFing:

murmurkibbies said...

That's the one I was reading! <3 <3

Anonymous said...

I'm just starting to catch up, but I do LOVE the vibe and the layout of the blog! I do miss you on wordpress... why blogspot now?

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